
Anonymous said…
"Total Carpet Bombing!"

Foxy Chick is on it!

Goliath said…
Foxy Chick ...the astute Alien Election fiend! BYAHAHA!
Anonymous said…
Is Foxy Chick saying bwahahaha? A term used by a T*** in usenet, meant to mean "ha ha"?

From Wikipedia: "Evil laughter or maniacal laughter is a stock manic laughter by a villain in fiction. In comic books, where supervillains utter such laughs."

This "Foxy Chick" is one serious "Alien Fiend".
As to the power broker "Toilet Paper" dude, who is conspiring with her, I think that I have seem him stalking in Jeffersonville.

Anonymous said…
Foxy Chick and Toilet Paper dude are conspiriang to try to "slime" TBP's most excellent campaign for mayor.
Where is the outrage from the CCC?

Goliath said…
Selective outrage. Besides it was all fair game. If any of the other candidates had been married to Toxic John they would receive the same treatment.
Anonymous said…
Thirty-three candidates in the primary. Four weeks from next Tuesday. Tension building.

Both the D's and the R's with a potential of twelve nominees
for their fall slates.

Possibly more to join the contest in the fall, depending on how many Third Party candidates qualify.

Dude, how many ex's with stories in that group? Axes to grind? Old wounds?

How many stories are there to be on that in the "big city"?

A lot of time of for
"Ex-Spouse Wars"

November 8th, 2012, D-day for the "Cartel".

Synonymous II
Anonymous said…
BC: The powerbroker NSBHM is still on his "rig the vote theme".

NSBHM has openly said that he is "helping" MM, a Republican this week, in his campaign for mayor.

NSBHM is additionally, at the same time, openly boasting a prediction and promoting on the CCC for a Democrat, Rob Waiz, to be set up for the fall as a "straw man":
"Brian, Waiz will WIN the primary!"

Then NSBHM CONTINUES the "SLIME METHOD" of politics that he conducts, by making a statement on the CCC ATTACKING THE DEMOCRAT DEBATES HOSTED
to be hosted by Indiana Unoversity Southeast.

NSBHM denigrated the university's effort by saying:
"What better day to hold this event than April Fools Day."

Anonymous said…
The more that you think about NSBHM denigrating Indiana Univerity Southeast's debates, the more disguting he becomes.

Some thoughtful people would like to hear what the candidates have say about issues in a debate sponsored by a university on their campus.

This constant "sliming" by NSBHM of the candidates and even of the process itself,
is really weird and unsettling.

You almost feel like saying "Come and get your boy and put him on a leash!"

Synonymous II
Goliath said…
Well, you can vote for the candidates he likes. Or you can take him for a true weathervane of who NOT TO VOTE FOR.
Goliath said…
It does seem like there is something really off kilter and wrong there.
Anonymous said…
I don't think it is a very nice way to conduct oneself by intimating that the Democrat candidates for mayor in Jeffersonville are fools.

For NSBHM to do so is rude and extremely ill mannered.

Attacking a great university for holding open debates on the issues is also obnoxious.

Anonymous said…
You guys can do better than that. He was not attacking the university but rather making a disparaging remark about politicians.
Goliath said…
Anonymous said…
Prove it.

Goliath said…
So far, this film narrows an audience
Anonymous said…
From The Detroit Free Press:

News on one of the top ex's of recent memories.
Even the paparazzi stalk him carefully!

Charlie Sheen's opener officially sold out in Detroit!

"Time to get your tiger blood flowing: We're now just hours away from Charlie Sheen dropping his Torpedo of Truth tour opener onto Detroit."

The word on the street is Pesty flew to Detroit with several hotties, has a fist full of tickets, a limo, reservations at several top clubs for after parties, and a penthouse hotel suite lined up.


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