Goliath takes on City Hall and is Detoured!!!

 JEFFERSONVILLE- (June 23, 2021)    Goliath appeared at the City Hall today demanding satisfaction! It seems Goliath had been trying to spend his beautiful day going through the highways and byways of Jeffersonville to take his pick of trash can and dumpsters as is his wont.  Goliath went into the Sewer department and began pounding his mighty fist on the counter.


Dept employee:  "Yes sir,  how can I help you?"


"Dad blast it!  YOU prolly can't help me none!!! But did you know that every dad blasted road, alley,  highway,  street,  cul de sac,  intersection,  round about,  pathway, lane,  and deer trail in this here city is done been BLOCKED OFF!!!    I swear to all the heathern Gawds!! IN ALL MY 3,000 years of treading this here earth I ain't never seen NOTHING like this here!!! 

Dept employee:  "Yes sir...it's ...

Goliath: (interupting)   BY CRACKY!  Whilst I was out down on Cowboy Alley they done blocked off all my sacred and constitutional right protected INGRESS and EGRESSes!!!  Alls I want to do is to get back to the Goliath COMPOUND with the swag what I done collected!!! 

Why,  dad gum it I remembers very very well how Dustin White was trying to RUIN all of downtown JEffersonville with a dad blasted sale of property to ARC to build a HIGH RISE and COMMERCIAL property at Spring and MARKET....  and see he done it! NOw everydamn thing has gone straight to HELL!!!    I TOLDS them to put in a historical PIRATE feature  (like a water feature..but with Pirates) and did these all high an mighty town fathers and high priestesses  listen to gOLIath???? NO THEY DID NOT!!!!

NOw look at it!!!  (Goliath makes grand gesture spreading his mighty sword hand in an arc)  

Next I tries to go up to Wall Street and wander my way back to Sheba el Al and the other wimmens at the compound...but ...WHAT DOES I FIND???   Chestnut backed up like Emra Thrask's commode on a february day!  WHAT IN Green APPLEs is going ON??? around here???? 

NOw... We ain't got no Canal!!!   We ain't got no prime WAter FeAture!!   All we got is a bunch of dusty old guys walking around tearing up ever dad gum piece of asphalt or concrete they can get ahold of!!!!  

WHy o Why!!!  Why wasn't all this here done LAST summer when we was all laid up and Quarantined inside and could go noweheres noway?    THAT is when you folks should have done been hatching out all these here PROJECTS and what not!!!!   

TELL ME WHY YOU didn't get this here done LAST SUMMER???? DId Dustin White have something to do with IT???? 

I am HOPPING mad!!!  THe Chickens what I got layin' around the compound have done stop Layin Eggs and the wimmens are all IN FOWL moods and tearing up JACK!!! They only SO many times they can BINGE OUT on Sex in the CIty RERUNs on NEtflix!!!!!   THere is ONLY SO MUCH ONE GIANT CAN TAKE!!!!!

Employee:  "Sir...this is the Sewer department"


Keith Fetz said…
I'd go back tomorrow and try the Parks Dept. They surely can get to the bottom of this Big G
Shaq said…
Great idea! Maybe the parks department can help us they are pretty bad ass

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