"RED DAWN" 2021

 In 1984,  a movie came out.  "Red Dawn" it was about a bunch of good old American kids that bonded together to fight a Commie invasion. I never actually watched the movie.  Just seeing the teasers was

enough.   The movie caught on and got right to the heart of a very specific American fantasy for a certain segment of our American population.   The 'militia' minded folks who, for the most part don't live in an urban

center.  And,  in this year, 2020 they finally got their big moment to step out on the stage.  I especially like how they chose costumes so similar to the old movie.  Of course, in the movie they also got a bunch of cute gals to ride along who thought they were cool.  Well, the current fantasists got gals...but I don't know if 'cute' is the right word to use for


I pretty much have seen this thing all my life.  I grew up in a small town in Southern Indiana. There were a bunch of kids in school who were products of the suburban life, but from families with rural roots.  Plus a bunch of genuine rural kids from farms and farm life.  It's the old fable of the city mouse and the country mouse.  The division was immortalized in Hank Williams Jr.'s song,  "A country boy can survive".  

   It pretty well lays out how the ones that identify with the 'country folk'  feel that ...when the shit hits the fan it is THEY ...not the edumercated, elite coastal types that are  and ,  have the better, truer claim on being, "american"  Notice, they ain't no black folk in the hero group of Red Dawn nor in HWJ's fancy song.  We all know what time it is.

But along came the 90's and the Clintons, then the Bush regime and then to add insult to injury there was Barrak HUSSEIN OBAMA that came along from Chicago and Harvard and stuff and America went wild for him and all our Country boys just had to 'suck it up'.  They HATED IT.  Oh LORT!

Don't believe me?  Just how many times did you hear the song, "Proud To be an American" during the years 2008 to 20016? 

Case Closed!!  But Trump brought it back !!!  But now...now he is vanquished and no one is playing this sacred Lee Greenwood tune.  Instead Militia boys are putting on costumes and delving into complex Q Anon conspiracy theories. Poor fellows and gals....they just haven't spent a lot of time reading or doing critical thinking about conspiracy theory.  Goliath has been sifting this stuff since 1990 or maybe earlier.  I am sad to inform all you naifs...that most of the conspiracy stuff is pure bunk.  

I must say,  it's all rather  funny.  Take a look at the costume most want to wear 'when the shit goes down" 

How cute. I suppose they imagine that the 2021 civil war will be when Antifa and radicalized LIBS come to chase them and take their guns and stuff and insist that Biden is the President.  The battle will commence out their on county line road in Bumbuck Idaho.  

No my dear misguided nut job,  if there was a civil war..it would be urban and your little costume would, lets face it, make you a quick and easily identified nutjob target.  Camo? gloves, that little batman utility belt/harness?  VERY GOOD SIR!  

Do these good people realize how STUPID they look.....giving their all, and their allegiance to this guy? ---->   

What is MOST funny to me is how confident I am that in reality, if Trump ever actually interacted with any single one of them...he would be snearing at them as chump bumpkins.  

Very soon,  the relatively reasonable people of this nation who have suffered under Trump for 4 years will be rid of the King of  SCRIME  ...but ,  sadly... his 'base' will be ever with us.  I recommend Joe Biden issue an executive order directing that the movie "RED DAWN" be played on a national streaming website 24/7 so the Rural Ignorant Dipshits will be placated and eating cheeze whiz...drinking Budweiser (now made by a German Company)   and watching the favorite fantasy movie. 



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