The belated return of Goliathnwimmens

JEFFERSONVILLE-  Sources confirm that Goliath ,  editor in chief of fantastic web log,  GAWNEWS  has returned to the world of print and all things media.  Goliath's news blog...GAW NEWS fell victim to a "perfect storm"  of  waning resources (time)  lack of i t  support and the rigors of massive interference by state and local law enforcement activity. 

Inside sources also reveal that GOLIATH became despondent after defeating for the final time the dreaded Clark County Chatter.  When the website crashed and burned on the internet for all to see,  Goliath visibly lost his joi de vivre and naturally sunny disposition.  

Without the CCC to bash and criticize,  Goliath appeared to have lost his purpose in life.  He began wandering around the alleys of Jeff drinking jagermeister and often appearing to be drunk and disheveled ...usually before noon.   His friend, Cowboy,  was placed in a  "residential care facility" 
and his side kick,  Pesty Flannigan betrayed Goliath one last time and joined the "Trump Transition Team" in 2016.  All in all it looked bad for G.

However,  it appears the tables have turned and Goliath is 'back in the high life again'.  


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