Does Cantor HATE Boehner or what?

What is going on with these guys???

I would call that a look of pure contempt. 


Focus on the debt, not personalities.

Uncle Sam is a tax and spend jukie. Uncle Sam is a debt junkie.


The US Congressional Budget Office just released the estimated numbers for 2011, showing we are on target to spend $1 TRILLION more than our already stifling tax revenue for this fiscal year alone.

The current administration is STILL spending more
coin of the realm
than what is currently seized from the proletariate. The administration refuses to reduce the cost of government, allowing the debt and interest to surge, even after their own projections clearly show the insanity.

Remember, that the defecit spending and interest on the debt that are being added daily, are an ADDITION to the massive current federal expenditures above that are ongoing. "spending costs above reveue".

The gov'ment is not reducing, it is charging ahead with yet MORE spending and mounting debt.

The national debt has risen
in 2009, 20010, and 2011 from around $9.5 trillion to approximately $14.5 trillion.


It isn't sustainable.

We continue to tax excessively and spend unwisely.

Big G, we must reduce the cost of gov'ment or we are doomed.

Oh, BTW,the "unfunded liabilities" for the local, state, and federal governments combined are estimated to be over $100 TRILLION for the public employees now retired and in the hopper. Legasy costs.

Dude, "unfunded" means not fully funded. Underfunded. A gap in projected revues and costs.
There is a shortfall of gov'mint revenues NOW, at this date, to fund these future obligations.
There a shortfall NOW
to support the massive retirement costs- fringe benefits-for public sector employees.

Fun isn't it......

Goliath said…
Goliath not smarts enough to understand all and many ramifercations of debts, spending, stimulus etc.,

But Goliath can unnerstand that Cantor HATES Boehner and will try and kill all he put his hand to and make him look bad.
Yes, you are very smart!
I remember the primary fight with The Mighty Goliath taking on the Big Gov'mint Tax and Spend Boys!

Anonymous said…

Senator: Obama Creating Panic To Push Through Debt Hike
White House engaging in similar dirty tricks to “martial law” threats before 2008 bailout vote

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Senator Jim DeMint has accused President Barack Obama and Timothy Geithner of deliberately fostering panic in order to push through an agreement that would allow the debt ceiling to be raised, accusing the White House of “burning the clock” in order to push a decision close to the deadline, echoing how Congress was threatened with “martial law in America” before the 2008 bailout vote.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

Brother Guido knows that Alex Jones is "real fav" of Golaith......

Anonymous said…
If The U.S. Government Loses Its AAA Rating It Could Potentially Unleash Financial Hell Across The United States
The Economic Collapse
July 15, 2011
"But whenever the United States does lose its AAA rating, we could potentially see financial hell unleashed because it will also mean that there will almost certainly be a wave of credit rating downgrades from coast to coast."
The Mighty golaith warned his readers about excessive spending for canals and such this Spring! Golaith also has pointed out public works projects for much larger and more exspensive BRIDGES than the ones proposed for kentuckiana that has far cheaper price tags!
Wise Golaith!
Golaith knows the value of a buck!

Goliath said…
Hood...Goliath not smart. He always backing the best candidates what lose!
cindiloohoo said…
It might not be contempt - could be constipation. After all, when a body is busy creating that much bullsh*t, a log-jam in the pipes is bound to occur now and then.
Goliath said…
One thing for sure, If Goliath in charge we could straighten this out.
Anonymous said…
Is Goliath going to start a campaign/movement for the CC Dem chair?
I have an idea for the kick off event!

Goliath said…
Goliath be a headbanger. All Dem office holders would be in a room
Goliath would beat them into making deal what saves the County Finances.

Rule 1. For Campaigns: No challenges allowed for Dem Office Holders in Primarys without talking to Goliath first.

Rule 2. Office Holders get no support in elections unless running office right.

Rule 3. All Office Holders donate cash from salary to Party.

Rule 4. Dem Party welcom cash donations from all employees of Dem Office holders.

Rule 5. If you Betray Party We make you famous.
Goliath said…
Rule 6. Relatives off the payroll

Rule 7. If a citizen has a problem
he/she does not get the "courthouse shuffle"

Rule 8. Dem Party ONLINE

Rule 9. Interlocal agreements and
resources are shared.

Rule 10. Dems get bridge built. No Tolls on existing bridges.

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