Your IMmortqality is guaranteed!
I founds the following on another blog. THis here is, in a way, a follow up to my
Guest commentator's essay on "Chance" This here is thought provokign. Perhaps explain why the Bible say I died yet...heere I am!!!
Quantum mechanics is the most successful theory of the physical world we have ever possessed. Its range is enormous and it has never made a single incorrect prediction. But this success comes with a steep price--the loss of our ability to say "what's really going on in the world". Many "quantum realities" have been proposed, none of them entirely satisfactory. Heinz Pagels in Cosmic Code describes the quantum reality marketplace and in my own Quantum Reality I present several proposed models of "what's really going on."
No model of quantum reality is more preposterous than the Quantum Multiverse proposed by Hugh Everett III in 1957. In this reality the quantum wavefunction, usually interpreted as the POSSIBILITY that something can happen, is construed as a CATALOG OF ACTUALITIES. In Hugh Everett's Multiverse EVERYTHING THAT CAN HAPPEN DOES HAPPEN but most of it happens in other universes than our own. As many universes exist as things that can happen, hence the term "Multiverse".
Berkeley physicist Henry Stapp has pointed out one important consequence of such an exuberant model of "what's really going on". If the Multiverse model is true then very improbable events, as long as their probability is not zero, MUST HAPPEN IN SOME UNIVERSE. For instance, the emergence of life may be extremely unlikely, but if life can happen, then life must happen, in a few exceptional universes.
Another line of speculation concerns "quantum immortality". The role of conscious beings in the Multiverse is ill-defined because we do not as yet possess a physical model of mind. But it is plausible to suppose that when the universe splits into various realities, your conscious mind inhabits only those realities in which it is still alive. This way of thinking predicts that you will enjoy, in your own subjective universe, if not immortality then certainly a greater-than-average life span. While you perceive your friends dying all around you, you seem to "miraculously" escape death until you have exhausted (like the cat with 9 lives) all your possible lives--and then at last you DEFINITIVELY DIE. Each of us can verify this hypothesis for ourselves but paradoxically we cannot share our conclusions with others.
Ironically all quantum realities, including the Multiverse, predict exactly the same quantum facts so there exists at present no experiment that could tell us for sure what is "really going on" beneath the quantum facts.
Recently Frank Tipler, a controversial physicist at Tulane University, has published a "proof" that the Multiverse is real. If we believe that Einstein's Theory of Relativity applies not just to the quantum facts, but also to "what's going on behind the facts", assets Tipler, then we must accept the truth of the Multiverse.
THIS IS from another BLOG, "Quantum Tantra" here is the link:
Like photons. Photons have no rest mass. Their energy is associated with their motion.
Think of it like waves on the ocean.
A wave would not exist without motion. Waves have energy and an equivalent mass, but it have no rest mass because when waves aren't moving, they don't exist.
Time is affected by motion. Atomic clocks placed on jets that circle the earth run slower than atomic clocks placed on earth.
Sergei Krikalev has in fact traveled into the future, by being the one human who has spent the most time traveling in space.
When he hit 800 days in space, traveling at around 17,000 miles an hour during that time, he actually time traveled one forty-eighth of a second to the future.
Theoretically if you could travel 500 light years to a planet at near the speed of light, say between 99.0 and 99.9% the speed of light, and then return those 500 light years back to earth, you would only age 10 years but the earth would have aged around 1,000 years.
One issue however is that it is you would need a "time loop" in order to return. Ronald Mallett was looking for funding and was hoping to prove within ten years that time travel is possible with a machine that would circulate lasers to warp or loop time.
Of course you also have the theory that travel to the past is not possible, only travel to the future is possible, and you have the theory that if you can travel to the past, you can only travel back to the date when the closed timelike curve was created.
Two questions I've had for a while are, does God have mass? and is heaven located in one of the other universes?
As to the question about God, and 'heaven', I have considered that all discussions of God seem to come back to a point where God is 'magic'. So,
since I don't know that much about magic, I cannot answer those questions.
E= mc(squared)
Now, I can say that Stephen Hawking
says I will be immortal!
Tipler also seems to interpret God as material, not spiritual and that at the end, we will all be resurrected by the Omega God, not our bodies, but as data, eventually humans and computers would merge.
Far fetched. Maybe some of it, but not all of it.
Earlier this year a British researcher found that a virus infected chip implanted in his had was able to contaminate external systems, as well as devices connected to those systems.
I guess if Tipler is right, when mankind and machine are combined, we won't go to the doctor when we catch a cold, we'll call the Geek Squad.
At least they make house calls.